Dynamic Chair Workout blends the Barre Repertoire with Fascia Fitness to Tone & Condition the Entire Body. Elevate the Heart Rate, Activate the Deep Core, as we Redefine the Side Body & Waist, and Sculpt the Booty. Dynamic Moves and Sequences with Precise Cues to practice until they feel like second nature. I hope this Flow is exactly what your body needs and craves, Anytime, Anywhere xox
PROPS A sturdy Chair, Counter Top or Barre Stool. It's important to work with a sturdy chair. If your are using a lighter chair, place it against the wall & stack it with books or weight for stability.
Add Light Ankle Weights to Intensify your Workout and add extra Spice.
Up Next in 31 Day Reset & Renew
27 Minute 360 Core - PART 1
In this Complete Core Series we Visualise the Core as a Cylinder working the Entire 360 Degree Range. Begin Side Lying to Trim the waist, transition to Lying Supine as we Zip Up and Engage the Core. Pelvic Floor, Obliques, TA and the Diaphragm. Added Bonus feel the Inner / Outer Thighs as we Targ...
16 Minute Core Tone & Tighten
Dynamic Variations Integrate the Entire Body as we Tone & Tighten the Core. Feel the Burn as we Zip Up the Deep Core with Streamlined Sequences, focus on Stability, Control and the Deep Intrinsic Core Connection. Join me for some Magic on The Mat, even on your busiest day, I'll meet you there xox
27 Minute Express Deep Core - Hips & ...
One of those all-in-one / cover all the bases Workouts. Express, Effective and designed to Integrate the Entire Body, whilst we Target the Deep Core, Hips and Booty. Begin with Inversions to stimulate Collagen Production, activate the Transverse Abdominals and Zip Up the Core. Transition to Side ...