28 Minute Holiday Body - Quick Hips & Booty Lift
20 - 30 MINUTES
Signature key Dynamic moves designed to Target & Sculpt the Hips, Lift the Booty & Zip Up the Lower Body. A blend of Dynamic Pilates & Barre Sequences laser focused on those easily missed bits, the Hips, the Outer Thighs and that wrapping effect of the Deep Transverse Abdominals. Enhance Shoulder Stability and Upper Body Strength as we work with our Own Body Weight to Centre our Balance. May this become your new Go-To xoxo
Up Next in 20 - 30 MINUTES
27 Minute Express Deep Core - Hips & ...
One of those all-in-one / cover all the bases Workouts. Express, Effective and designed to Integrate the Entire Body, whilst we Target the Deep Core, Hips and Booty. Begin with Inversions to stimulate Collagen Production, activate the Transverse Abdominals and Zip Up the Core. Transition to Side ...
28 Minute Deep Core - Toned Targeted ...
Integrate the Entire Body as we Engage the Deep Core and Target the Arms with Dynamic Sequences, Light Weights and the Power of the Pilates Ball. Engage the deep Transverse Abdominals for that Corset Effect around the Waist, transition through Fluid Movements to Enhance Functional Flexibility, Co...
25 Minute Dancer Arms & Side Body
Create Lean Lines and Slender Definition as we Tone the Arms and Redefine the Side Body. Dynamic Sequences together with Body Weight Work and Light Wights, Zip up the Side Body and Condition the Arms. Blend Pilates, Barre and Fascia Fitness with Precise Cues and a Focus on Form to Elevate your Wo...