24 Minute Side Body & Inner / Outer Thighs / Neck Support
DYNAMIC CORE - Zip Up & Tighten
24 Minute Inner / Outer Thigh Burner. In this Flow we Tone the Side Body, Sculpt the Inner / Outer Thighs and Zip Up The Core whilst supporting the neck the entire time. If you suffer neck pain, refer to these exercises if you ever need to adjust your Workout. Focus on Finding Length & Reach as we Elongate & Create Lean, Slender Definition along the Body. Practice this Workout a couple of times with Your Own Body Weight, and add Light Ankle Weights as your Progress through a couple of Sessions. Hope you feel amazing, supported and back to your best self. Love to hear how you go xx
Props: Option to add light Ankle Weights after practicing a couple of times (Approx. 0.5-1kg)
Up Next in DYNAMIC CORE - Zip Up & Tighten
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