34 Minute Arms & Outer Thighs - Pilates Ball
INNER / OUTER THIGHS - Sculpt & Tone
Generate heat in the body, Elevate the Heart Rate & Engage the Core as we Trim & Tone the Outer Thighs, Glutes and Arms with Dynamic Transitions and Intuitive Sequences. Designed to Tone, Reshape and Redefine, we Integrate the Entire body, beginning Side Lying and Finishing with a strong kneeling Arm Series (can be done standing if you have knee issues), this Workout has you covered no matter what the day throws at you. I hope you love it xx
Option to Elevate your Workout with Light Ankle Weights (0.5-1kg) and Light Bangles or Hand Weights (0.5-1kg)
Up Next in INNER / OUTER THIGHS - Sculpt & Tone
26 Minute Dynamic Deep Core - Inner T...
Dynamic Workout Integrating the Entire Body, target the Core & Inner Thighs. Focus on the Adductor Pelvic Line of Fascia, Designed to promote Pelvic Stability, Tone the Inner Thighs, Activate the Deep Core Muscles, Reshape the Side Waist and Sculpt Slender Lines throughout the Entire Body. Hope y...
19 Minute Side Lying - Inner / Outer ...
Side Lying Series Targets the Inner / Outer Thighs, Integrates the Core for Stability, Balance and Control. Zip Up, Tone and Lengthen, this Workout is Designed to Increase Functional Flexibility, Activate the Deep Stabilisers and Tone the Legs from Top to Toe. Add Light Ankle Weights to Elevate y...
23 Minute Side Lying 101 - Inner / Ou...
Polish up on technique & cover all the fundamentals, whether you are brand new or seasoned, this Workout is designed to provide support along side just the right amount of Challenge, with a focus on technique and form, I will have you lifting your leg higher that u ever thought you could ;) Feel ...