18 Minute Foam Roller - Reshape Hips & Waist
SIDE BODY - Reshape Your Waist
Rejuvenate and Replenish the Fascia as we Smooth out the Hips, Reshape the Waist and Flush out Toxins with this Dynamic Foam Roller Workout. Activate the Deep Core and Engage the Obliques as we Target the Side Waist and create that Corset Effect. Tighten the Core, Sculpt the Lower Body & Elongate throughout with a blend of Pilates Moves and Fascia Fitness. Hope you love this Effective & Express Workout xox
Props: Medium Density Foam Roller OR Improvise w/ the Pilates Ball, a Folded Cushion, or without any props.
Optional: Light Ankle Weights to Intensify Workout
Up Next in SIDE BODY - Reshape Your Waist
27 Minute Full Body Lift - Obliques &...
Super Effective Workout to Uplift the Booty, Redefine the the Hips & Waist as we Integrate the Entire Body. Target the Obliques and all those Tiny Hard-to-Reach Muscles with Light Weights, Varying Angles & Opposing Forces to Create Lean Definition and keep the Metabolism firing long after the Wor...
26 Minute Waist & Side Body Cinch Part 2
Find all your favourite Moves here as we Cinch & Redefine the Waistline in one Signature Workout. Reshape the Waist, Engage the Deep Core & Obliques as we Trim & Redefine the Side Body. Create Lean Slender Definition to Maintain our Waistlines through the Ages. May the old adage that we lose our ...
27 Minute 360 Core - PART 1
In this Complete Core Series we Visualise the Core as a Cylinder working the Entire 360 Degree Range. Begin Side Lying to Trim the waist, transition to Lying Supine as we Zip Up and Engage the Core. Pelvic Floor, Obliques, TA and the Diaphragm. Added Bonus feel the Inner / Outer Thighs as we Targ...