31 Minute Lower Body Burn
INNER / OUTER THIGHS - Sculpt & Tone
This 31 Minute Workout is Designed to Target the Entire Lower Body. Incorporating the Pilates Ball to Engage the Deep Core and Inner Thighs as well as Strengthen the Shoulders. Focus on Redefining the Hips, Outer Thighs and Glutes for the Ultimate Booty Lift and Highly Effective Workout. May this Workout leave you feeling as Uplifted Physically as Spiritually.
Props: Option to Elevate your Workout with Ankle Weights (Approx. 0.5-1kg)
Soft Pilates Ball (20-23cm)
If you are without either prop, work with your own body weight.
Up Next in INNER / OUTER THIGHS - Sculpt & Tone
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